Speak Life
Who do you know who doesn’t see the qualities God has placed in them? When was the last time you spoke life into them? I
Who do you know who doesn’t see the qualities God has placed in them? When was the last time you spoke life into them? I
God’s Got You!! Today, are you in group one, group two or somewhere in between? Those who spent time with God to understand the plan
WRITE IT! “And then GOD answered: “Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read
Whom the son sets free, is free indeed…. John 8:36 TPT So if the son sets you free from sin, then become a true son
Be Effervescent Sometimes, my conversations with God truly are two-way conversations. My favorite is when I’m journaling and I can capture it word for word.
What is your beautiful work which manifests as an expression of love? Mine is writing to you each week. And can you believe it? This week marks
Aligning Prayers with Scripture A few weeks ago, I felt led to add scriptures to my prayers. What I mean is, for a particular prayer, I
After all, it’s His plan. I have this thing I do. I journal daily. It’s a mix of my thoughts, revelations from God, writing my
Relating Science to Scripture You may not know this about me but I tend to jump down the rabbit hole on the regular. I was