

Surrender Story

What is yours?

What do I mean by surrender story?

It’s that moment, that pivotal time when you find yourself in a place where you have tried doing it all on your own and have used up all:

  • Tricks
  • Hacks
  • Energy
  • Options
  • Lessons
  • Education
  • Experience
  • Information from training

You’re at your end.

At this point, Satan is hot on your trail and is telling you every lie about your biggest fear. He’s calling you a failure while at the same time telling you not to seek God because He’ll punish you. You’re stuck in a place you never thought you would be. You’re at a crossroads and the pressure and anxiety is too much.

This place you find yourself can be caused by anything:

  • Your staff quit.
  • The economy has shifted.
  • The money has run out and the panic and anxiety of that fact is paralyzing
  • Technology is changing your industry so fast you can’t keep up and don’t know where to turn.
  • Family issues associated with working too many hours or the business not providing like you’d hoped.
  • Too much money which traps you into staying even though you know you aren’t where God is telling you to be or go.

……the list is endless.

The next step?

Surrender –

Oh, but wait, you say –

“I did that when I gave my life to Christ.”

Yes, you did.

But did you surrender your business to Christ in the same way you surrendered during your salvation?

As an entrepreneur, at some point in your journey, YOU took over and went about your business using all your own strength. You did this because as entrepreneurs, we are driven. We are brave and courageous or we would not have jumped out on our own. God knows this about you. He created you to be an entrepreneur.

It’s that same drive and determination that causes us to rely solely on ourselves.

So… the next step in our business owner, Christ follower lives – we find ourselves in this place of impasse…

That pivotal moment when we’ve used ourselves up completely and don’t know where else to go or what else to do.

Friend, welcome to the Club.

Oh wait …. you thought it was just you? (visualize a big belly laugh here). Isn’t that just like Satan to make you believe you’re on an island going through this all alone?

And this my friend is your surrender moment. This is where you have to throw your hands in the air and give it all over to God. AND, this is the moment where the war for your future happens in the spiritual realm. *

Satan is throwing every single thing he has in his arsenal at you.

  • Every lie
  • Every fear
  • Every anxiety
  • Every memory of the times you’ve failed and been humiliated

This moment is one of your hardest. It’s heart wrenching. The enemy is being relentless and it feels like the attacks are coming from all sides with no relief and no more ammunition to defend yourself. **

God does not force us. This is our choice and doesn’t that make sense?

Put this process in the concept of your best client. You can’t force a client to choose you. And your favorite clients are those who joyfully come running to you to accept your services to help solve their issue. They are happy with the result and take your advice or product or services and use it to help them succeed.

This is what our Heavenly Father prefers. He’s just waiting for us to be like our very best loyal customer to joyfully and happily run to Him. I got a visual of what this looks like. I see God sitting on a grand front porch. He’s rocking back and forth in the porch swing. He’s carefully watching the battle we’re in. He’s patient because He knows. He allows us to make the choice to surrender.

How can I know so much about this moment of surrender? I’ve been there. I experienced it. My husband has this story. I’ve had this conversation with other business owners.

This is why I recognize this.

Friend, are you at the edge of this moment? Does it feel like a brick wall in front of you and the enemy behind?

Your LOVING, GRACIOUS Father is there, in the porch swing, waiting for you to throw your hands in the air and surrender your business to Him. He KNOWS all of the things!!! Mostly He knows YOU and YOUR HEART. He’s here to prosper you (Jeremiah 29:11) and give you hope AND a future!

Don’t allow Satan to continue to lie to you. He wants you to believe that your future is hopeless. That lie is 100% against scripture……and he knows it!

I encourage you to assess how you’re feeling and figure out the lies vs the truth. Friend, you can trust the Word. As an entrepreneur, sometimes we have to stop relying on our own strength, surrender it ALL to our loving Heavenly Father and ALLOW Him to take it from here.

What’s your surrender story? Or are you on the edge of that brick wall getting ready to write it?

Warmest Regards,

Jennifer Edwards

*Ephesians 6:12
** Ephesian 6:11-17

My prayer for you today:

Father God, thank you for the entrepreneurial spirit you have placed in us. You know all about what that means in terms of us jumping and running in our own strength. I pray for my friend who is reading this right now. I pray that if they are hitting the brick wall with no options that they clearly see the lies of the enemy. I pray for the Holy Spirit to be their guide to jump on the porch swing with their arms flailing and giving it all to You. I pray they can then sit quietly, swinging, listening to you softly comfort them and show them You care about their future. Thank you for putting your arm around them and causing peace to wash over them like they’ve never felt before. Thank you for loving them so completely. I ask all of this in Jesus Name, Amen.

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