
Mountain Circler

How does that mountain look from your side?

This email blog has been particularly difficult to write. I’ve been paying close attention to my Christian friends who are business owners. It seems we’re all in varying states of emotion right now. I want desperately to help everyone through this simply because I’ve been through the economic downturn side of this a few times.  I want to speak into the hearts of everyone right now but realize….. I just can’t. Not in one email. So……..

  • If you’ve successfully climbed over the mountain to the other side of fear and have found peace, I encourage you to pray for God to bring someone to your mind. Then reach out to them. Don’t assume they’re ok. If God brings them to your mind, there’s a reason.
  • If you are in the opposite camp and can’t even imagine being on the other side of the mountain, I encourage you to pray and ask God for someone. This is all new to everyone. No one is going to judge. The enemy would love nothing more than to keep you paralyzed with fear and alone.
  • If you fall in the camp of daily circling this mountain from the fear side to the peace side, you’re in great company. I believe most of us are circling the mountain with you.  Find someone to lean on AND be that to someone else.


We’re all in this together!

There is NO shame in being in any of these places.  God loves you exactly where you are.  He understands.

I felt compelled to create a weekly Zoom call for entrepreneurs because we know one another even if we’ve never met.  We understand the entrepreneurial spirit and that joins us because God made us very unique.

If you’d like to join, we meet weekly on Wednesday at 3 pm.  Here’s the information for today’s call:

Topic: Entrepreneurs – We’re All In This Together
Time: Apr 1, 2020 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 656 067 027

  • If technology isn’t your thing, reach out to me before noon today and I’ll help you figure it out.
  • If you are more of a ‘one to one’ meeting kind of person, I am serving my fellow entrepreneurs by offering one hour free of charge.  I want to help. It’s why I chose to be a business consultant.

Lastly, I have been studying the SBA loan information and would be happy to chat about them if you need some clarification. Again, free of charge up to an hour.

Folks, these are some trying times for all of us. There is NO precedence. I will be perfectly honest in telling you that your normal from three weeks ago may not ever happen again. I know that sounds harsh. But the quicker we all realize this, the quicker we can get over the mountain.

I hope to see you on the Zoom call today. In the meantime, here are a few things I’ve done to make it to the other side of the mountain:

  • I stopped watching or reading any news.
  • I severely limited my social media exposure and only engage in the one which isn’t riddled with panic and fear.
  • I get up and journal every day, in particular…. writing out at least 5 very specific things for which I am grateful.
  • I created a routine.
  • I read a daily devotional/Bible plan.
  • I have quiet time so I can hear from God.
  • I keep my day as close to normal as possible.
  • And probably the most important is that I give myself heaps and heaps of grace if any of the above don’t happen.

Very Humbly Yours,

Jennifer Edwards
Mountain Circler

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