
Light That Entrepreneurial Fire

God-lovers make the best councilors.
Their words possess wisdom and are right and trustworthy.
Psalm 37:30 TPT

It Never Gets Boring!

To hear the tone of the voice and see the light and fun jumping in the eyes of someone who is considering entrepreneurship! It keeps me enthused to be a Business Consultant.

I recently had a ‘book club” gathering with family and friends. We call it ‘Book Club’ with air quotes because to be perfectly transparent, we began our little journey together as a book club. We tried reading books as a reason to get together. I am literally laughing as I write. I think perhaps out of ALL of the books we tried to read, the ONLY two we ALL actually completed were, Eat Cake, Be Brave by Melissa Radke and The Kindness Effect by Jill Donovan. After months of meeting and trying to get through other books, we gave up the book part and just kept the gathering part! LOL.

As a side note, I just realized that the two books we were able to finish were ones which strongly incorporated a biographical foundation. Maybe we should just try biographies. I’ll bring that up at our next ‘Book Club’ gathering. Honestly though, we’re just as happy simply chatting and having fun.

But I digress….

Back to the newbie entrepreneurial story…..

At ‘Book Club’, Kathy was talking about the business she was planning to start after school is out (she’s a teacher).  She wants to blog and do some other things alongside it.

Her whole face lit up as she was talking about it.  Heaviness visibly lifted off of her and she got enlivened.  It was so much fun to watch.

THIS is why I love what I do.

THAT look.

THAT hopefulness.

That sense of adventure.

The liberty that comes with the opportunity to branch out on your own and take a chance.

Do you remember that feeling when you made that final “I’m just gonna do it” decision?

This is what I want all of my entrepreneurial friends to keep in their hearts no matter how long they’ve been in business.  This feeling is what keeps us going through the hard times.

If you’re having a hard time getting that back, may I recommend something? Find a newbie entrepreneur and offer to mentor them.  Let their enthusiasm rub off on you. I promise, you won’t be sorry and, in the process, you will make a difference.
You’ll make a difference which that lasts a life time. 

I can already hear what you’re thinking…….

When could I possibly fit this in?”

Can you spare one lunch per month for 6 months? Even that small amount of time will make all the difference in the world for new entrepreneurs.

Think back……

  • How could one hour a month, and maybe a few emails when you were stuck, have made a difference when you were first starting out?
  • What if someone had given you a little direction and you had been able to skip over making even ONE stupid mistake?

It would have made a huge difference for you, wouldn’t it? This is where we come in as seasoned entrepreneurs. Taking someone under your wing will give them and you the boost needed by both.

How do you find someone to mentor?
It’s easy.
Ask God.
He will bring them to you.
You see, I believe that God has a very special calling on our lives when He calls us to be an entrepreneur.  Those of us who have been there for a few years (or decades in my case) can’t imagine doing anything else. In fact, the thought of anything else makes us super uncomfortable.  WE, as established entrepreneurs, have the gift of time and wisdom to share.

I promise, if you earnestly ask God who you can mentor, God will do the rest. You’ll ‘know.’

And here’s another thing you can’t imagine will come from mentoring… will get more out of the small act of service than you ever give! In my last 3 years of building my consulting business, I have mentored MANY newbies. They are fun! Each one gave me far more than I gave them.

I really want to hear all about your mentor experience. Were you mentored? Have you acted as a mentor? Please reply to this email and let me know. Maybe someday, I’ll work on a mentorship program where I match mentors and mentees. That’s a little glimpse into my heart. Every single one of us could use a mentor. No matter how long we’ve been in business, someone has been there before us AND, there’s someone who could use our encouragement, accountability and experience. As Christians, I think we have so much to give regardless of how long we’ve been in business.

Here are a couple of scriptures for you that encourage me:

Psalm 37:30 TPT
God-lovers make the best councilors. Their words possess wisdom and are right and trustworthy.

Proverbs 16:23 TPT
Winsome words pour from a heart of wisdom, adding value to all you teach.

Proverbs 31:26 TPS
Her teachings are filled with wisdom and kindness as loving instruction pours from her lips.

My prayer for you, my entrepreneurial friend, is that the fire within you that started your journey as an entrepreneur is returned to you. I pray that you understand just how special you are in God’s eyes and that He calls only His kids who have intestinal fortitude, to be His entrepreneurs. I pray that you fully understand that you are truly special and that not everyone can or desires to be an entrepreneur.

I pray for your business to be profitable this week and I ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart about mentorship.  I pray that you have times which are quiet and the ‘still small voice’ isn’t quite so still or small and you get clear direction for your day. I pray that you understand that God provides the manna daily. I pray for your full trust in Him and that you NOT get ahead of Him and His plans for you.  I pray that you WAIT. I pray all of this in Jesus Name, Amen

Very Humbly Yours,

Jennifer Edwards
Mentor & Mentee

Photo by Nathan Lindahl on Unsplash

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