
It Takes Chutzpah

It Takes Chutzpah

It takes Chutzpah to be an entrepreneur.

I’ve heard this word used and vaguely knew how to use it in a sentence.

I was writing in my journal and the only word to explain what I was trying to write seemed to be “Chutzpah”.

I looked it up and… yep ….. that’s the word.

Shameless audacity…

In my journal, I was writing my gratitudes for the day. I wrote:

“I am grateful for entrepreneurial freedom.
I am grateful that I understand the sacrifices which come with that.
I am grateful that I have the chutzpah to do it.”

Being an entrepreneur D-O-E-S take shameless audacity.

  • It requires the audacity to believe your idea is big enough and the need is great enough for your business to thrive and support you.
  • It requires the audacity to live without a steady paycheck.
  • It requires the audacity to get out in front of people and sell yourself.
  • It requires the audacity to risk … EVERYTHING

I think this is why I LOVE start-ups and why I specialize in them. I LOVE their Chutzpah! Their  s-h-a-m-e-l-e-s-s   a-u-d-a-c-i-t-y  to do and sacrifice what so few can and will.

They inspire me.

Hats off to all my clients, past and present.

Hats off to YOU as an entrepreneur!

Cheers to your Chutzpah!!

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